Free Essay Writer

Turn in the best work possible with our help

Support For Every Writing Step

AHelp gathered every feature necessary to cover your writing needs from start to finish in one holistic tool. No jumping between sites: research, outline, build arguments and support them with credible citations, format your paper, eliminate grammatical and punctuation errors, keep authenticity in check, and rework awkward phrasing — all in one place. Have a specific need? We offer tools for that, too (like our Antonym Finder and countless others).

Context-Aware AI Co-Writer

Advanced as the field may be, some AI writing still comes off robotic with its endless “let’s dive in”s. That’s exactly why we trained AHelp Essay Writer on a real academic database. Our context-aware tool will take surrounding arguments and info into consideration to convey your thoughts and ideas logically. Work with us to get fact-checked, academically verified results.

Cite and Reference Confidently

Come as you are: no idea where to start, preliminary research done, assigned literature — we’ll help you compile and customize a library of reputable sources no matter the situation and compose your paper based exactly on what you need. Get both full and traceable in-text citations in MLA and APA styles formatted in strict adherence to the latest guidelines.

Benefits of AHelp Essay Writer

APA and MLA Formatting

Backed by 200+mln academic sources, our tool will set you up with academically correct references and citations right in the editor, so don’t obsess over dashes and semicolons.

Tackles Long Papers

Some works are worth like, half your grade. Luckily, our Essay Writer can assist with papers up to 20,000 words long — and keep them readable and quality-controlled to the last letter.

Multiple Languages Available

Work with AHelp to address assignments across your entire curriculum. Draft and perfect papers in 7 languages, including Spanish and German.

Plagiarism and AI Detection

Our integrated plagiarism and AI detection features will help you avoid accidental plagiarism and low-quality sources, as well as pinpoint subpar writing. Cite properly and edit to perfection!

Built-In AI Commands

Refine text as you write with the help of our handy AI commands. Shorten or expand paragraphs and rephrase parts that jut out for better readability.

PDF and Word Export

Export your future A+ paper as a Word document if you’re planning on additional edits or as PDF if you deem it submission-ready — it only takes a couple of clicks.

How Does Our Essay Writer Work?

Step 1. Guide the Tool with Topic and Instructions
First, settle on one of the language options and the number of pages. Good. Now, provide the title of your work so our tool
knows what search vector to focus on. Give additional instructions — detailed guidance will help it avoid unnecessary filler while writing.
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Step 2. Provide Sources
For the context awareness to trigger, the context must be there. You can upload your own curated bibliography as an info base, or let AHelp Essay Writer find fitting outside sources. Opting out is also an option, but sources do help the final paper meet your requirements better.
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Step 3. Get to Drafting
And now, the exciting part! Generate the first draft of your paper.
It might be a bit raw, so go over it. Make sure the line of argument is clear by helping it along: rephrase any parts that might not read smoothly, supplement any missing facts, and simplify clunky sentences.
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Step 4. Consult With AI
Get ideas on how to spin your points and improve the paper’s structure by chatting with our built-in AI assistant. Go deeper on various topics if necessary for more substantial research results.
All suggestions will remain relevant to your topic thanks to our tool’s context awareness.
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Step 5. Revise
Thorough editing makes quality work. It’s an unskippable step. AHelp Essay Generator will make sure your paper is in tip-top grammatical shape, the stylistic tone matches from one section to the next, and paraphrase any parts that lack readability.
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Step 6. Export
After one final check for plagiarism — leave no chance for your efforts to go to waste! — you are ready to download your essay. Choose either a Word document for any possible future edits or settle for the PDF format to submit and be done with it.
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Customizable To Fit Your Needs

Instructing any AI tool is kind of like getting a trainee at work: the more you explain what is expected, the better the initial results will be. AHelp Essay Writer is context-aware and considers your every word: so, after setting all the necessary parameters, what more should you say? Easy. Be specific and structured. In addition to the essay title or topic, you may state your goal: “This essay should persuade the reader-”, “This essay should explore the following-”. Add key points or arguments you would like to see included. Give directions on tone and style (“formal”, “academic”) and specify the way your paper should be structured. With the sources from your library as a jumping-off point, your first draft should look close to perfect!

Handle Any Assignment With Our AI Essay Writer

Column Image Column Image
Allows you to curate and manage your own sources
Suggests reputable sources
No personal library
No quality control
Academic writing Functional drafts that make a solid paper base
Requires repeated instruction to keep filler at bay
Suits big projects Logically sound papers up to 20,000 words long
Word limit of around 1,500 words

Let us accompany you from a raw draft to an A+

AHelp AI Essay Writer for Focused Writing Process and Quality Works

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  • Cite in MLA and APA styles
  • Check for AI and plagiarism in the tool
  • Multilingual