AI Content Detector

Reliable detection by AHelp for ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, LLaMa and new AI models

Detailed Analysis

Our AI scanner doesn’t just label entire documents as AI-written. Your detailed report will highlight potentially AI-generated content based on low perplexity. You’ll get a percentage breakdown between the Likely and Highly Likely categories, which makes our AI detection reliable for checking significant documents.

Fits Any Type of Work

The perfect tool for both academic and creative writers. Essays, research papers, short stories, blog posts, articles, business documents — our tool handles it all! Students and educators can use it to meet the highest academic standards, while content creators, copywriters, authors, and publishers can quality-check and improve their text.

Everything In One Place

Enjoying our service? Consider optimizing your experience: eliminate the need to jump between tools for basic functions. You can run your writing through AI detection or check it for plagiarism right in the editor, and benefit from other built-in text management AI tools like the paraphrasing feature!

Benefits of Our AI Detector

Wide-Range AI Recognition

Built to spot content in English and Spanish from ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, Bing, Claude, Google-Gemini, LLaMa, and new AI models.

Privacy Guaranteed

We at AHelp respect your privacy and never pass user data to third parties. Your writing is safe with us.

Browser Plugins Available

Work across all devices without jumping tools or tabs with our free-to-download Edge and Chrome extensions.

Quick File Upload

Skip copypasting if you wish: we support PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, ODT, and TXT file formats for upload.

Advanced Algorithms, Advanced Results

AHelp AI Detector free tool closely examines your text for telltale signs of AI that a human eye might miss: repetitive phrasing, predictable structures, and specific word choices. Scan your uploaded documents and get a detailed report in just a couple of minutes. We will find overused AI words, so you can see how different sentences contribute to overall results. Get up to 3 free checks per day and test out the fit before you commit. Access online anytime, operate the text with ease, and keep track of your documents!

How Does Our AI Content Detector Work?

Step 1. Upload
Start by preparing the text you want to examine, which you can do by either uploading a file or copying and pasting it into the designated field here on the page.
Check Your Document
Step 2. Scan
Click “Scan for AI content” and receive a detailed breakdown in minutes. You’ll get an overall score reflecting the chances of your document being AI-produced.
Check Your Document
Step 3. Review
The results include two key categories: a percentage of the text likely generated by AI, and sentences with very high AI likelihood. Both are highlighted for convenient editing.
Check Your Document

Protect Academic Integrity With Our AI Detection Tool

To keep AI technology around as a freely accessible working assistant in the future, it's necessary to maintain honesty now. AHelp free AI Detector will help you write genuine and original works. For learners and educators, it’s equally important to confirm that the content they handle is correctly cited. Even if problematic areas are flagged in your writing, you can remain authentic. Quickly switch to our tools like Plagiarism Checker and Citation Generator to find and list the corresponding source material, or rework the text and supplement it with your unique thoughts and ideas with our Paraphraser. The conversation in educational circles is gradually turning towards the acceptable use of AI for supplemental tasks when properly disclosed, so check with your institution and cite your AI use if applicable.

Tell AI and human texts apart with AHelp Free AI Detector

Know the Origin of the Paper With AI Detection Tool From AHelp

  • Recognizes most common AI generators
  • Private and secure
  • Detailed text analysis


How does our detector identify AI content?

Our detector uses advanced algorithms to analyze text for patterns typical of AI-generated content, such as repetitive phrasing or overly consistent tone. It compares the input against linguistic markers to determine originality and identifies low-perplexity text.

Will our AI Content Detector detect content created using ChatGPT?

Yes, our AI checker is designed to identify content produced by ChatGPT and similar tools, like Bard, Bing, Claude, and Gemini. It flags text with AI-like characteristics to help users discern between human-written and AI-generated material.

Who will find our AI Detector especially useful?

Writers, students, publishers, bloggers, and educators can all benefit from our AI detector. It’s particularly useful when grading assignments, ensuring originality in content for business and IP-sensitive ventures, and verifying human-authored text for creative or academic writing.

How well does our free AI Detector work?

Our free AI detector provides reliable results by accurately identifying AI-generated content in most cases. While no tool is perfect or 100% accurate, ours sets users up with a quick and clear breakdown, making it a practical solution for everyday needs.