We think AI is powerful, and so are you

We stay curious, so you can too. There's something for everyone. We're your one-stop shop for academic and writing tools.

We think making mistakes is normal. What’s important is to ask for help when you need it. That’s how we work as a team, and we hope you’ll do the same.

We believe that collaboration between humans and AI can bring incredible results. That’s why we aim to help you collaborate effectively. It’s easy when you know how to do it wisely.

Our story

Once upon a time... a man named Alex made an educational platform for students and researchers. Nearby, there was another man, Nick, who had a website with AI tools. They both loved helping people save time and become more efficient, so they teamed up and created AHelp. Now we are developing AI-powered tools to transform the traditional EdTech landscape and allow students to accomplish more with less time and effort.

1M+ active users
9 languages supported
30+ free writing and study tools
100% secure and confidential

Our team





Our values

Accuracy We double-check everything, so you can trust our tools.
Privacy Your information is in good hands with us. We keep it private.
Integrity We keep our promises. If we make a mistake, we admit it and fix it.
Innovation We’re all open to experiments and keep up with the latest trends.
Efficiency We create new educational tools to get the job done


A-Help Limited
Vasili Michailidi, 9, 3026, Limassol, Cyprus